Cheating is considered any work that does not represent the student’s own effort.
In accordance with Richland Two School Board Policy, Plagiarism and Cheating are considered Level I Behavioral Misconduct Offenses.
The Richland 2 Honor Code states that students:
1. will tell the truth when dealing with faculty, administrators, staff and student hearing boards where they exist.
2. will not represent as theirs any work they have not done alone. This is plagiarism and includes any misuse of computers or other technology.
3. will not cheat. Types of cheating include, but are not limited to, divulging responses to others or allowing others to view responses during any type of examination, looking at others’ responses in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage, bringing, or attempting to bring, unauthorized materials to a test that include, but are not limited to written answers on any medium, unauthorized programs on calculators, other unauthorized resources or devices. Other forms of cheating include receiving, stealing, or looking at a test beforehand, using others’ words, works or ideas without proper attribution, working in collaboration on work that was to be completed individually, and portraying as their own work that was completed by another.
Consequence for Cheating or Plagiarism: Students who violate the honor code will receive academic and disciplinary consequences that may include but are not limited to receiving a zero on an assignment, parent notification, detention, reduced points on an assignment, and/or removal from co-curricular or extracurricular activities, honor societies or student offices.
At Blythewood Middle School, the first incident of academic dishonesty, will result in notification to the parent/parent conference. The student will be given the chance to redo the assignment for a grade no higher than a 70. If the assignment is a test/quiz, the assignment will be made up as soon as possible. Other assignments must be resubmitted within 48 hours. Failure to submit the assignment within the specified time allotted by the teacher will result in a grade of zero being recorded.
Future incidents of Academic Dishonesty will result in a grade of zero and an administrative action in accordance with the Richland Two Disciplinary Matrix.