2024-2025 PTO
The name of this organization shall be the Blythewood Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization.
Our mission is to support the school's leadership by aligning resources with their vision to enhance the teaching and learning environment. We strive to supplement and maximize every child's education, helping them reach their highest potential.
The objectives of the Blythewood Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Blythewood PTO):
a) To promote the welfare of youth in the home, school, and community.
b) To bring into closer relation the home and the school that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of young people.
c) To develop between educators and the public such united efforts will secure for every student the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and academic education.
d) To support the school administration, teachers, and staff in providing a high-quality public school for all Blythewood Middle School Students.
a. Blythewood PTO shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise or a candidate. Blythewood PTO’s name or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest, or for any purpose other than the regular work for Blythewood PTO
b. Blythewood PTO shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
c. Blythewood PTO shall seek neither to direct the administrative activities of the school nor to control its policies.
d. Blythewood PTO may cooperate with other organizations and agencies in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils.
e. In the event of the dissolution of the Blythewood PTO, the assets shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable directives with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting
Membership in Blythewood Middle School PTO shall be available without regard to race, color, creed or national origin; Parents of students, teachers and all other interested persons may become members of the Blythewood PTO. Annual dues of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be received per family based on the level of support selected and made payable to Blythewood PTO treasurer via cash or cash app. An annual enrollment of members shall be conducted. Additional members may be accepted at any time.
a. Regular meetings of the Blythewood PTO shall be held monthly during the school year unless otherwise provided by the Executive Board. These meetings shall be held in September, December, and May.
b. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board with prior notice given within five (5) days stating the reason for the special meeting.
c. The May meeting of election year will include the election of new officers.
d. Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum at a regular PTO meeting.
a. The Officers of Blythewood PTO shall be a President (or Co-President), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasure, Fund Raiser(s), Volunteer and Membership Coordinator(s). The officers are required to attend all PTO meetings unless the President is notified prior to the meeting. Three (3) consecutive missed meetings will not be deemed acceptable to serve as PTO Officer.
b. The President shall preside over general PTO meetings and executive board meetings. Serve as the primary contact to the principal and represent the PTO at meetings of other groups, if needed, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and retain all official records of the PTO.
a. Yearly tasks include: Finalize the activities calendar with the principal; Set the schedule of monthly executive board meetings for the year; Hold a committee chair orientation, Update the signature cards at your PTO’s bank; Double-check key organizational dates, including your PTO insurance policy renewal, incorporation with the state, and IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ, if applicable; Determine which officer and committee chair positions might need to be filled next year, and reach out for volunteers
c. The Vice President shall assist the president; Perform the duties of the president if the president is absent or unable to serve; Participate in executive board meetings and provide input for decisions; Be an ambassador for the PTO and the school oversee committees, train committee chair people, and act as a liaison between committee chair people and the executive board; Oversee fundraising selection, planning, and evaluation; Serve as PTO parliamentarian; Serve as a bylaws expert; Be a liaison for new families and leads the annual membership drive.
a. Yearly tasks include: Familiarize yourself with Robert’s Rules of Order; Familiarize yourself with the PTO’s bylaws and other tasks as designated by the executive board.
d. The Secretary shall prepare agendas for general meetings; Record and distribute minutes of executive board meetings and general meetings; Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas, and materials distributed at any official PTO meeting; Upload copies of meeting minutes to PTO website within ten (10) days following the meeting. Attend executive board meetings and participate in discussions and decision making; Record minutes of executive board meetings; Prepare agendas for general meetings, as developed in the executive board meeting; Photocopy the minutes from the last general meeting for distribution (and approval) at the upcoming general meeting; Record minutes of general meetings and distribute them in a timely manner; Determine, with executive board approval, the most appropriate methods and frequency of communicating with members • Manage communications and marketing for the PTO, including but not limited to: PTO newsletters, Email broadcasts, Website, Social media and Bulletin boards
a. Yearly Task include: Collect email addresses from members; Maintain a file of all your work, including photos of displays and samples of each document; Notify local media about interesting PTO news
e. The Treasurer shall serve as the custodian of the parent group’s funds. The treasurer helps develop the budget, collects fundraising money, writes checks for purchases and reimbursements, tracks income and spending, makes financial reports, and organizes the books for annual audit. As a member of the executive board, the treasurer represents the parent group, and thus her actions reflect upon the reputation of the group and the school.
a. Yearly Task include: Lead annual budget development process in August; Present budget for approval at September PTO meeting; File Form 990-EZ (annual IRS information return required for 501(c)(3) groups); Renew incorporation with the state; Facilitate annual financial review (audit)
f. The Volunteer Coordinator shall collaborate with key members of the PTO to coordinate volunteer assignments as needed. This role is also responsible for training and managing volunteers once they have signed up.
g. The Fundraising Coordinator shall work with school volunteers, parents, students, staff and community members to oversee all fundraising activities for the PTO. The Chair must develop and manage sponsorship and procurement and work closely with school administration to plan key fundraising dates
h. The Faculty Representatives shall research the needs of the faculty and the school, contribute to discussions concerning the “Wish List” and the importance of each item, represent the faculty in all decisions made by the PTO Board and make timely reports to faculty and staff regarding PTO activities.
a. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Blythewood PTO, the immediate past President(s) and two or more elected faculty representatives. The principal shall serve as the ex-officio member of the Blythewood PTO Executive Board. The members of the Executive Board shall serve a term of two (2) years, commencing on the 30th of the June of the second year; their successors will assume their duties on the 1st of July.
b. Newly elected Board members shall participate in a shadowing period alongside the outgoing Board members whose positions they are assuming for six (6) months and shall not extend beyond. The shadowing period shall begin immediately following the election and extend until the official commencement of the new term of office. During this time, outgoing Board members shall provide orientation, guidance, and access to relevant information to familiarize incoming members with the duties, responsibilities, and ongoing initiatives of their roles. Outgoing Board members are expected to cooperate fully and ensure the orderly transfer of knowledge, materials, and authority to their successors.
c. The duties of the Executive Board shall be:
a. To transact necessary business in the intervals between regular meetings of the Blythewood PTO and such other business as may be referred to it.
b. To create standing committees, if necessary, and approve work plans.
c. To present a report at the regular meetings of the Blythewood PTO.
d. To prepare a budget for the fiscal year and submit to membership.
e. To approve payments of funds by budget guidelines or Board approval.
d. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year, time and date to be voted on by the Board at each meeting. A majority shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or Co-Presidents or by a majority of the members of the Board.
a. There shall be a nominating committee consisting of at least two members, one of which shall be selected by the Executive Board from its body, and the other(s) appointed by the Blythewood PTO President(s).
b. The nominating committee shall select one nominee for each office to be filled and report such nominees to the PTO Board before the May meeting.
c. Following the report of the nominating committee, an opportunity shall be given to receive nominations from the floor.
Only persons who have consented to serve if elected shall be eligible for nomination, either by the nominating committee or from the floor.
To ensure continuity of governance, Board elections shall be held at minimum 6-months before to the member’s term is due to expire. If needed a member of the Board may serve an additional 1-year term. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms without a break in service.
a. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board, notice of such election having been given to the members of Blythewood PTO.
b. If the vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall automatically become the President.
a. Standing committees shall be created by the Executive Board as deemed necessary to promote the objectives and carry out the work of the Blythewood PTO. The chairpersons of the standing committee shall be selected by the Blythewood PTO Executive Board and the Principal of the school. The term of standing committees shall be until the end of the school year in which it was created.
b. The chairperson of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval. No committee work may be undertaken without prior approval of the Executive Board.
c. The authority to form special committees and appoint members and chairpersons’ rests with the Executive Board and/or the President or Co-Presidents. All committees created shall be designed as either standing or special, such designations shall be included in the minutes of the Executive Board. Special committees shall cease to exist after work is completed and a final report is made. The President or Co-President shall be ex-officio on all committees.
Robert’s Rule of Order (Revised) shall govern the Blythewood PTO.
a. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Blythewood PTO by two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, if notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall have been given prior to the vote.
b. A committee may be appointed to submit revised By-Laws as a substitute for these By-Laws only by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the Blythewood PTO, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.
By-Laws submitted for Approval: __________________________________________________
JOIN US: We are dedicated to supporting Blythewood Middle School’s teachers, staff and students, and families through a variety of programs, events and fundraising activities.
Show your support and join our PTO team by contributing your time and talent. We look forward to meeting you and working together.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at bmsptoboard@gmail.com